
The text, images and other materials on this blog/site belong to Siberian Husky Facts and other parties named under various permissions. No material on this site may be copied or used except with the permission of the license holder.

Copyright Holders of Materials Used in the Blog 

(Licensees not named herein are credited where material is used)

History of Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Randi Hausken


Siberian Husky Appearance

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Ritmo


Behavior of Siberian Husky

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Priscilla Moreira


Siberian Husky Temperament

Media: Picture CC BY-SA 2.0

License Owner: Halfrain


Characteristic of Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Ritmo


Grooming Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Jasen Miller


Habitat of Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Jack Berry


Training Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC BY-ND 2.0

License Owner: Zammerz


Bad Habits and Solutions of Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Julia Ballarin


Basic Commands for Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Randi Hausken


Siberian Husky Basic Obedience Commands

Media: Picture CC BY-SA 2.0

License Owner: Jenna Fuller


Breeding Quality Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC BY-SA 2.0

License Owner: Pamela Carls


Feeding Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture CC.BY.2.0

License Owner: Pamela Carls


Training Problems of Siberian Huskies

Media: Picture  CC BY-ND 2.0

License Owner: Svenstorm


Siberian Husky Health & Care

Media: Picture CC BY-ND 2.0

License Owner: Penny Blankenship

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